
Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Animal Rant

So the news must be slow I saw the video where President Obama killed a pesky fly, and PETA denounced him for doing it. Being a member of the old farts club (senior type dude), I am often amazed by these moronic groups that obviously have a huge membership of concerned people as well as idiots. I guess they don't have anything better to do than comment on someone killing a germ laden insect.
The big question is how stupid is this nation getting when it comes to all living creatures? Not being a person who needs and animal to idolize me, I am amazed that so much animal worship takes place for the pet world. Don't get me wrong I have had my share of pets and people can get pretty attached to them; But most folks that have even a small IQ realize that when all is said and done, they are only animals not human.
There are at least 7 pet stores in my small town with a pet park, but not one teen center so our youth can have a place to hang. Perhaps my views are slanted but I see that as stupid.
I still look on investing in young folks by spending time with them or providing them with a fun place to go contributes to their growth and happiness.
I guess the doggy park is more important, for the stability of and animal that licks it's genitals and has been known to eat it's own feces, has love for it's master even if the master is a complete jerk. I understand the concept, if the owner is a jerk the animal will subserviently love him/her without question whereas another human being won't put up with the imbecile for ten seconds. Of course having the animal makes the best sense. But many of us find no need to clean up pet crap or have them lick us in the face, some of us just relate better to other humans. I lament we are a dying breed, enough said.