
Monday, April 12, 2010

Don't we have enough laws

I guess it is just a pet peeve with me but every time I see a legislator introducing a new personal bill you know what I mean by personal, a behavior bill. Like the transfat, soda, nutrition in school lunches etc. I get a little upset. You see these folks cannot get the budget under control in my state or the Federal Government yet they have plenty of time to worry about what we eat or drink or how we make a phone call.
I know it is in the best interest of all concerned to take care care of ourselves, but as I pay for two insurance polices for health, insurance for death, for my house, for my cars, and manage to keep my budget balanced. Yes that is right I don't live beyond my means thus I don't owe anyone a damn thing. Which means they need to mind their own business.
If I can manage my household and pay my own way than don't tell me what to do "Comrade"
Yeah you heard me this is not a dictatorship but these professional public servants who pilfer our wallets in any way they can dream up are too concerned and need to be voted out so they can find real work. Enough said on this one.